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New England Pride: Explore Our Collection of State Flags

Celebrate the Unique Heritage of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut & Rhode Island

New England is known for its rich historic heritage, with each of its six states boasting a unique and storied past. The flags of the New England states reflect this history, with symbols and colors that pay homage to the region's colonial roots and revolutionary spirit. For example, the flag of Massachusetts features a blue shield with a white star and a Native American holding a bow and arrow, symbolizing the state's early history and its role in the American Revolution. Connecticut's flag showcases a shield with three grapevines, representing the state's agricultural heritage and its motto "He who transplanted still sustains." Each flag tells a story of the state it represents, highlighting the diverse and fascinating history of New England.

Shop Our Assortment of New England State Flags

Maine State Flag Panel


The official flag of the State of New Hampshire

New Hampshire

Official Flag of the State of Vermont


Official Flag of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Official Flag of Connecticut


The official flag of the State of Rhode Island

Rhode Island

Each of our State & Commonwealth Flags are available for purchase online in sizes from 2' x 3' to 5' x 8' and are available in other sizes with just a quick phone call to 207.262.8275.

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World of Flags USA

190 Ammo Industrial Park

Bangor, Maine 04401 Tel: 207.262.8275


Copyright© 2024 World of Flags USA, dba Flags for Patriots | All Rights Reserved | Website Constructed and Maintained by Pilgrim Consulting & Design Winterport, Maine

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